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Why Is It Great To Have No Smartphone


When it comes to detailing down our flaws, we often pick things that might even be out of our reach. Especially in terms of gadgets, there is no upper limit on the pricing and technology tag. Thus, even when we use a Nokia Asha, we aspire to use the Apple iPhone 6 Plus.

Its goes without saying that these glossy biggies are such head turners that we fail to appreciate anything besides the top brands. However, one question that stares at us here is what can be done in case someone really remains unable to afford the latest Samsung Note or the latest LG Flex? Here are totally crazy excuses to console yourself with when you do not have a swanky smartphone.

Am out of the ordinary league – This is the ultimate excuse you will feel happy about. Whenever some friend jokes that you are backdated, quip back that you do not care. You are not the one to ape the world. You would rather have a loyal phone that never ditches you. No wonder this can make you extraordinary.

Mock at the battery drain – While smartphones of the high range are great companions, make sure you mock your friend on the fact that he runs for his charger every 3 hours. More so, he must be carrying a couple of portable charges too. Even though the phones are smartphones, the batteries are not!

Laugh out loud at the constant pings – No matter how wonderful a smartphone your friend has, a smartphone never lets someone escape the constant messages streaming in from social media apps. And yes, most of your buddies might not have mastered the art of muting notifications either so that could have your LOL moment or let you flaunt your Plain Jane phone.

So your phone gets hung, buddy? This could be your master stroke. Remember the times when your friends super smartphone gets hung? At least you don’t have the face such debacles. Even if it happens with you, you can simply flick the phone on and off! However, the classier breed of phones takes ages to even restart. Now that when you can say checkmate!

So do not feel insecure about the simple phone you own. That after all is a matter of choice. Let the world flaunt its lavish tech wares, you can be happy about the feature phone you own! For More Information About Lifestyle, Visit Our Official Blog Ebuzz Spider.

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