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The Importance Of An Electricians Logo (Or Any Other Small Business)

The start of the electricians logo design process

Finding a business used to be a case of flicking through the phone book or taken recommendations via word of mouth. This could make finding a good electrician, designer, or any other sort of business difficult, slow, and frustrating. Realistically, the process is the same. We still scroll through suggestions and look at reviews for inspiration. The different is that we do this in the digital age, where everything takes seconds and we are connected to practically every business imaginable. This means that every business must do as much as they can to stand out from the crowd. When searching for an electrician, the first thing people see is the electricians logo. This makes good electrians logo design key to the success of a small business.

Why A Good Electricians Logo Matters

Small businesses operate of very tight margins. Losing out on one too many contracts in a short period of time can sink a business faster than an iceberg deals with an ocean liner. As a result, good branding and good company presentation is crucial, as this affects how would-be customers view your company and how their experience with the company is shaped. This makes a well designed electricians logo crucial. With the right outward appearance, a company can put forward a feeling of trustworthiness and professionalism. If done poorly, an electricians logo can scare of customers entirely.

The Keys Aspects Of Creating An Electricians logo

When creating an electricians logo, the purpose of the logo must be clear and apparent from the moment a potential customer sets eyes on it. There’s little point designing a logo around the theme of healthcare for a construction company. The second thing to take into consideration is the target audience: who are they? Finally, the budget for the process should be taken into consideration. Is this an electricians logo for a one off electrical project, or the electricians logo that will represent our company in the long term? As property logo experts Repeat Logo say, “Know the brand, know the business. Make sure your logo represents who you are”.

An Electricians Logo Should Represent The Business

No matter whether you need business or property logos, they must represent the purpose the business and the people that make it. Great logos are instantly recognisable. Think of the Nike Tick, the Golden Arches of MacDonalds, or the Apple of, well, Apple. Cynics will say “Ah, but these are business logos of established brands!”. The reality is that these brands would not have got to the position they are in without their business logo.

To this end, any logo that is created must be simple and catchy. It should clearly represent the name of the company, either in actual text or through designed symbolism. For instance, if you look at Coca-Cola or IBM logos, you’ll appreciate the fact that they extremely easy to remember. What is more is that they are highly effective at communicating.

Being Memorable Is Key To A Logo

The design process of a property logo should always be creative. Creativity leads to elegant and memorable design, with the second point being the main reason we make property logos in the first place. If a logo is not memorable or recognisable, it has failed in it’s primary function. If it’s memorable, your property logo will help you stand out against competitors in the marketplace. If it is bland and run of the mill, it will be passed over and quickly forgotten, seriously damaging your business in the process.

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