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How To Effectively Clean Your Wallpaper

How To Effectively Clean Your Wallpaper

Wallpaper is indeed more interesting than a wall in terms of the appearance. Besides it is also offered in textures, the pattern it has is the main attraction for the home decoration. Layering the wall with the wallpaper is a very supportive idea when you want to design your home interior with certain styles.

Although the use of wallpaper is attracting for home decoration, it does not suit for every home, geographically. Those who live in a humid climate, have a humid wall, or have high rain levels during the year is not recommended to apply the wallpaper. The wallpaper will get peeled naturally and mildew can grow well. Meanwhile, if you do not belong to the above criteria, you can clean your home wallpaper by these following tips.

Clean the dust regularly

Regardless how busy you are, cleaning your wall is very important. The accumulated dust is a potential source of the illness like influenza, asthma, or other respiration diseases. Therefore, you should clean the wallpaper regularly, more importantly, if you have kids in your home.

Vacuum the wallpaper and you can start from the top to the bottom. Do not clean the dust once in a year, do it regularly once in a month. You can also use the dry sponge beside of the vacuum cleaner.

Use the dough to clean the wallpaper

If you are afraid that you will scratch the wall by using the mixed soap and water, you can purchase the dough for cleaning the wallpaper in the paint stores. Take some dough and make it into a ball, then you can roll it on the wallpaper. The dough is effective to clean the stains.

Cleaning the stains with bread

Another way of removing the stains is by using the bread. The gluten from the bread can absorb the stains from your wallpaper.

Eliminate the stains with colorless soap

One thing you need to concern when removing the stains with the detergent is that, do not use the colored detergent. The color may remain on the wall while you are wiping them. You can mix the detergent with the warm water. Use the clean sponge for cleaning. When the sponge is dampened enough, clean them before you use it again. The dampened sponge can create another stain if you keep using them.

Use the cleaning product to clean

The specific products for cleaning the wallpaper are also applicable. For example is the WD-40 or talcum powder. With the WD-40, you just need to spray on the wallpaper surface. On the other hand, you can put some the talcum powder on a dry cloth and wipe it on the wall. Let it be for about ten minutes. Then, you can wipe it using the dry sponge.

Whatever method or cleaning products you use, remember to wipe or clean following the wallpaper textures. More importantly, if you include the water for the cleaning process, do not let the cloth or sponge being too wet because it can scratch the wallpaper.

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