What are the things that make some people successful and better than others? What are the habits or routines they are following? While you all train on the same mats, under the same trainer but not are the same. Of course, everyone is different and has a different approach towards things but there is something else too. If you have ever wondered what makes someone better then this is where you get to know. Following are the habits you should develop as a martial artist because these are what will make you good.
The Mindset
Having the right mindset is very important knowing how to focus, your growth, keep on pushing yourself, and embracing what it has. The right mindset also encapsulates thinking positive about life, the martial arts, your training, and other aspects of life. For instance, training BJJ in a BJJ GI, and not just your regular clothes or MMA shorts is also what is called the right mindset. These things will open your mind towards better learning and embracing. When you enter the room with learning and getting a better attitude in mind hopefully you will be able to learn something, little or big, and get better than when you entered.
Consistency with dedication is the key to success, and you have to be like that if getting better at martial arts is the goal. Not skipping training, not giving up, pushing and things like that. Of course, you can skip when something important comes up. In the beginning, things might fizzle out but consistency should keep you going and results will be awesome.
Short- and Long-Term Goals
Setting short term goals that make the path towards your long terms goals is how you push daily, get better and get what you want. Both are important, without short term goals reaching long term goals is no possible and without any long-term goal, you don’t know what you are working for. However, both goals should be clear and achievable. In addition, they motivate you to keep on going, especially the short-term goals. Know their importance, keep track of it and don’t be sad if you could not make it.
Thinking Positive
Keep yourself on the positive side, for instance when you are being submitted don’t just give up there is always a solution to things. Try your best, but always remember not to overdo, know your limits. Then, being defeated is okay, this is what life is about, both the opponents cannot win, don’t take it personally or the wrong way, don’t let it consume you. Negativity will weigh you down and drown with itself. No matter what do the right thing, always wear proper gear, wear a GI, respect the decorum and be one of the good ones.
Trying to get positive things from the event is a great learning point. See what you did wrong, where improvements are needed and work on that. But, don’t go on the opposite side where defeats don’t even matter and you don’t do anything about it. believe in yourself everyone can learn and get better with time. This will also help to push through the toughest days and to make one calm.
Healthy Life Choices
For better performance and keep on training you should be healthy, that would be possible when you make healthy life choices. For learning and to push yourself the body and mind must be in top-notch condition. So, how can it be achieved, enough sleep, a healthy diet, be on schedule, and regular training are few tips you should follow.
No one is perfect, mistakes and setbacks happen, what important is dealing with them. Don’t drown with the setbacks, don’t let mistakes get the best of you and as mentioned earlier stay positive. Being dishearten gives no advantage, in fact, it destroys the progress already made. The situation should be the opposite, in martial arts learning from your mistakes is the best type of learning.