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5 Daily Exercises to Clear Your Mind

Physical activity can be one of the most effective ways to clear the clutter from your mind and reduce your daily stress levels. Exercise is a good way to take your mind off your troubles, but it also causes your body to release endorphins that naturally cause you to feel better. A regular exercise regimen increases your energy levels as you become more fit, which can help conquer stress and keep you healthier.


Yoga is a form of exercise that requires deep concentration. The first step in every form of yoga is to relax and focus on achieving and holding each pose for a certain length of time. It’s nearly impossible to think about daily stressors when you are thinking about breathing correctly and shifting from one complex pose to another.

Tai Chi

Similar to Yoga, Tai Chi involves slowly changing from one formal body position to another. The goal of Tai Chi is not holding each pose for a certain length of time, but attempting to move with a deliberate and fluid motion between each pose. This level of concentration erases everything from your mind except the effort you expend as you coax each set of muscles to ease from one angle to another.

Walking or Running

If slow, measured exercises are not for you, walking and running are a simpler way to clear your mind as you work your body. Walking through your neighborhood for at least thirty minutes a day gives you the benefit of fresh air and sunshine as well as plenty of distractions to keep your mind from dwelling on stressful topics. Running requires concentration for breathing and can create a steady rhythm of motion that causes your mind to drift away from stressful thoughts.


If you prefer more speed, cycling is a good option to get your blood pumping and take your mind off the stress of the day. Most cities provide cycle trails, but even if you only have access to your neighborhood streets there is something soothing about the wind rushing past as you pedal along.


If you like music, you don’t have to be an expert dancer to benefit from the exercise of a good half hour of dancing. Put on your favorite tunes and simply make yourself keep moving to the beat. If you prefer a more choreographed dance routine, there are plenty of online videos to give you the right moves.

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